Malaysian Turtle Info: Turtle Microchipping - Part 5

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turtle Microchipping - Part 5

Tagging Procedure

1. Tagging should only be resumed after completion of Pre-Tagging Procedure

2. Scan and record new tag before tagging to verify that is functional.

3.Wipe area where the tag is to be inserted with antiseptic soaked cotton gauze to prevent any bacterial contamination.

4.The tag in Figure 10(a) is in the front flipper ,(figure 1) using the triceps muscle complex on the front and top of the humerus. by inserting the syringe under the skin between parallel to the numerus bone and pushing the plunger to move the tag out of the applicator and into the connective tissue

5. After successful insertion the surgeon should, if possible, apply temporary digital pressure to the insertion area, as this will limit any associated haemorrhage

6. Watch for bleeding after injection. If blood flows from the wound, apply pressure with swab soaked in a broad-based topical microbicide, such as a povidine-iodine antiseptic solution (e.g. Betadine®), until the flow stops.

7.Clean area where tag is inserted with antiseptic soaked cotton gauze

8.Scan the microchip inside the tagged turtle

9.Record the data on scanner

10.Let the turtle rest

11.Turtle should be under close observation for signs of stress or injury of tagging

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