Malaysian Turtle Info: River Terrapin

Monday, November 12, 2007

River Terrapin

Common Name : River Terrapin

Local Name : Tuntung Sungai
Scientific Name : Batagur baska

Description : Reaching a carapace length of at least 60 cm and has only 4 claws on the forefeet. The size of the female is somewhat larger than the male.

Size : 60 cm.

Diet : Omnivorous feeders but vegetable food predominates. Molluscs, crustaceans and fish are also consumed.

Habitat & Range : Lives in the brackish water of estuaries and areas under tidal influence. Found only in South and Southeast Asia. Rivers in Malaysia: Setiu, Dungun, Trengganu, Perak and Kedah .

Nesting : Around November, an average of 24 eggs are laid each time, up 3 times per season.

Threats : Human consumption and habitat destruction are major threats. Extinction in next 10 years if no conservation.

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