Malaysian Turtle Info: Hawksbill Turtle

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hawksbill Turtle

Common Name :Hawksbill Turtle

Local Name :Penyu Sisik, Penyu Karah

Scientific Name:Eretmochelys imbricata

Description:The hawksbill is named for its narrow head and hawk-like beak. One of the smaller sea turtles. Jaw is not serrated. Flippers have 2 claws.

Size & Weight:Adults are 2.5 to 3 feet in shell (carapace) length (76-91 cm) and can weigh between 100 to 150 pounds (40-60 kg).

Diet :poisonous sponges, anemones, squid and shrimp.

Habitat & Range:Typically found around coastal reefs, rocky areas, estuaries and lagoons. Most tropical of all sea turtles, the Hawksbill lives in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Nesting:Between 2 to 4 times per season. Lays an average 160 eggs in each nest. Eggs incubate for about 60 days.

Threats:Harvested for their prized shell, often referred to as "tortoise shell", used to make hair ornaments, jewelry, and other decorative items. There’s a strict international trade ban.

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