Malaysian Turtle Info: Bota Kanan Wildlife Conservation Centre, Perak

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bota Kanan Wildlife Conservation Centre, Perak

The River Terrapin (Batagur baska) and the Painted Terrapin (Callagur borneoensis) are two reptile species that are bred in Bota Kanan Wildlife Conservation Centre. The terrapins are bred to prevent their extinction due to uncontrolled sand dredging activities. Sand banks are main components of the natural habitat for this species.
Bota Kanan Wildlife Conservation Centre is the largest terrapin breeding centre with a captive population of about 1356 terrapins and with over thousands released into the Perak River. Besides being a breeding centre it also serves as a place of research centre for local and foreign students who are interested in the conservation of this species in the wild.

All the eggs are collected during the laying season will be incubated naturally in the sand river near the centre. The incubation period is between 75 to 100 days. There are 10 breeding ponds, whereby each pond breeds the Terrapin according to their age starting from a day-old to adult stages. Breeders are kept separately. The oldest Terrapin in this centre is a healthy 39 year-old.

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